Saturday, October 15, 2011

The 2012 GOP Contenders in: "Decision 2007 pt II, De Ja Vote"

I cant help but notice the similarities between this primary campaign season and that of the 2007 cycle. I mean, eerily similar, so similar in fact, it could be a movie i decided to make it one.
Decision 2007, pt. II
"De Ja Vote"

  • Mitt Romney as Himself
-Yeah, Romney hasn't changed much...I mean, character wise. On substance he has completely flopped...again.
Romney is your "which ever way the wind blows" candidate..If tomorrow, a Gallup poll found that 80's Pop Rock was back in style, you'd see Romney at the next debate with a Flock of Seagulls haircut. He is a household name because he reminds people of the dad from 7th Heaven, he can wrap up the moderate vote, and is always considered a front runner because of the fact the media beats him over your head as such. What will happen to ol' Mitt? He will garner a hefty amount of support and campaign funds...and will lose again.
  • Herman Cain as Mike Huckabee
-What do the Pizza Maven and the former Arkansas governor have in common? The social conservative evangelical vote. A nobody, turned front runner almost overnight? Sound familiar? People don't care about his 9-9-9 plan, people know he is a southern baptist, can give a speech like a sermon, loves the Lord and Israel, and that is enough. I like Herman personally, and if it wasn't for the whole FED past I'd probably give him a vote, but I also supported Mike Huckabee last cycle. So what is in the cards for the Hermanator? The same thing that happened to Huck.. a good turn out and a decent second place finish. He will be considered for a VP slot, and depending on the nominee..may get it.
  • Ron Paul as Himself
-Google Ron Paul!...and you'll find the same campaign strategy you saw in '07. He sparks revolution and traditional conservatism in the youth, and that is a great thing, because Ron Paul changed the shape of the debate and is the reason a lot of people are interested in politics. Unfortunately for the Libertarian leaning Congressman, the energetic online tweeting youth don't typically vote in the Republican primary. He will lose for this reason, the people who love him understand Austrian economics, liberty, and the right of the people, but they do not understand the Republican Party. The GOP is a party of factions. The NeoCons, The SocialCons, The Moderates, and The Republitarians. Ron Paul is the most polarizing among these factions. His foreign policy turns off the NeoCons, the SocialCons cant figure out his drug and domestic policies and it scares them, they will end up being his Achilles heel, the moderates don't like his slashing of govt. programs and the Republitarians become militant when you attack their personified values so that turns off EVERYBODY. So whats gonna happen with Ron? He will pull off another fourth place finish although a more respectable one, and since he is retiring from Congress, it would be a great idea for him to create an organization centered around youth education. Keep the fire alive for Rand in 2016 or 2020.
  • Rick Perry as Fred Thompson
-The savior, our only conservative hope. They both were supposed to walk in and take the nomination as easily as putting on a pair of pants. The problem with them both, they are nothing new, rather uninspiring, and quite wrinkly. They came into the race with the media propping up them as the great crusader and not much else. Scrap staff from other failed campaigns and no real organization. They ran high in the polls until they open their mouths in the debates. My prediction, Perry drops out soon after Iowa. A large fizzle noise will be heard in Texas.
  • Gary Johnson as Tom Tancredo
-Unless you are a political operative, you probably don't understand the connection and you may not even recognize the names. This is the big deal here which kind of makes me chuckle. The American people always say they don't want a politician, they just want a blunt average Joe to tell them the truth. Both Gary Johnson and Tom Tancredo have done this.Honest normal bluntness were their strong points... and people friggin hate it.
  • Jon Hunstman as Duncan Hunter
Eh, not really. Although I wanted to point out that big political powerhouses support these guys and I cant figure out why. Ann Coulter loved Duncan Hunter. The CRNC loves Jon Huntsman...probably because of his hot daughters though.......................*lusting*................anyway...
Huntsman can also be put in the next category..
  • Bachmann and Santorum as White noise
These guys serve as debate drivers and vote splitters. People might say "oh, but Michele Bachmann won the Ames Straw poll, she deserves better!"....Michele Bachmann did one thing and one thing only in this race, and that was keep the relevance of the Ames straw poll...not much else. Both Santorum and Bachmann have been SNL and Late Show prey.. A train wreck, funny and occasionally thought provoking, but a train wreck nonetheless.
and finally....
  • Newt Gingrich as John McCain
Ooooooooh...soak it in. Think about it.
In 07 we had our front runners, they all came in and jumped in on each other, tore each other apart, and we all watched the bloodbath instead of paying attention to the guy we all thought was dead in the water. Remember when people were asking McCain why he was still even trying while he was polling at 5% and 7%...and here he comes, out of the darkness with his head held high and a nomination.
NeoCons, the SocialCons, and the Moderates in his back pocket..He has been using tough language with the FED and Republitarians like that, not saying they will support him, they wont leave Ron Paul, BUT they wont work specifically against him.
       In the debates Newt has been coming across as a unifier. People will quickly get tired of the petty bickering and they will look for the most collected candidate and Newt will be that guy.

Also, another thing about republicans, we nominate in turns. Last cycle, it was John McCain's turn, guess which establishment candidate's number is up? Newt.

Well, what do you think? Share my thoughts..and share your own.

Regardless. Obama Sucks.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Free Gilad!

Just keeping this one short and sweet.


For 6 years now, Gilad Shalit, the now 25 year old IDF soldier, has been help captive by the terrorist organization, Hamas, which is the Palestinian government head.

Last time I checked, when you kept a "Prisoner of War" you were at war and if the Palestinian Authority wants a war, give Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a call, and the IDF will come GET Gilad.

How are you involved in this you may ask?
The US Government, by the summer of 2006, had given over 2.3 billion dollars to the quasi-nation state of Palestine in foreign aid, obviously it has increased by now.
So your tax dollars are going to a known terror group that is holding a 25 year old boy hostage because it can't accept that the Jews have a right to be in their homeland.
Call your Congress folks, tell them not to deal with terrorists and kidnappers. Tell them to defund the PLO and Hamas.
And while you're at it, say a little prayer for our brother Gilad.
Come home soon buddy, we love you!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Chris Brown's (empty) Soapbox

Hey Chris Brown, Matt Damon called, he wants his facade of knowledge back.

I woke up this morning and was checking through the twitter world, seeing if any dictators had been ousted, or global terrorists killed, or if there was still an East Coast of the United States after the earthquake, hurricane, and probably some comet on a collision course for Atlanta...and what do I find? Our good friend Chris Brown has decided to throw his hat into the policy ring and tell the teeny bopping citizens of United States that Artists (obviously the definition of this word has considerably changed) have the power to change the health care system.

Check this insanity out:

"@chrisbrown: Imagine if we as artist stopped doing music until the government agreed to FREE HEALTHCARE! Been on my mind."

Now, after I rolled around on the floor laughing for a while, I decided I couldn't let this poor example of a "thought" go without answering.

I will say this, Chris Brown is right that artists (Actual ones, not Chris Brown) could go on a "strike" and seriously change the shape of the Government due to a movement within the people..I do not doubt that one bit. In some cases, it might even be an effective tool. However, musicians would have to make sure their goal is REALISTIC and not some Liberal Utopian belief.

My friend and fellow activist, Justin Pizzulli, (check out his blog) mentioned Brown's tweet and said it had been on his(Justin's) mind that Doctors should quit serving patients until musicians agreed to free music.

Well that is a crazy thought, right? This Pizzulli guy and these other racist tea party terrorists must hate humanity and only care about wealth...that has to be it.

Allow me to knock you head-in-the-clouds, Chris Brown fans off of your metaphorical High Horse..Free Healthcare is an oxymoron.
More so, free care of any kind is an oxymoron.

Using the same logic:

Children deserve to be taken care of, therefore daycare services should be free, and baby sitters should not be paid.

Also, it is in the best interest of a community that grass should mowed regularly to maintain safety and pest control, therefore lawn care services should be free and people who cut grass for a living should not be paid.

Need I go on?

Chances are, if you are a Chris Brown fan you use one of the two above examples to make money (probably to buy more Chris Brown cd's) So, now that Chris's liberal communistic policies are in your pocket, how do you feel about them?

Oh, whats that? You think doctors, grass cutters, and babysitters should still be paid for their services but the government should take CARE of this and subsidize(a fancy liberal word for "takeover") the payment of these professions?

Funny you say that.

Civics lesson!!!

Government is you and you are government.

Therefore, government money is your money, and if government is going to cover everyone's healthcare bills, lawn services and day care costs, its going to have to take more of your money to pay for it...therefore, you are paying more in taxes and it suddenly doesn't sound so free anymore.

Also, they are probably going to pay you less so we can save money to cover all of the other government bills from the other things they have "subsidized" (there's that pesky liberal word again) such as education, retirement, and nation name a few.
Therefore, more people, including yourself, are going to be less likely to do these jobs, causing an overload of work on the brave souls that still do these jobs which will result in long lines, poor service, and care lacking in value.

Sounds like a good plan eh?

So tweet our good friend Chris Brown, tell him that since he is wealthy, he will be able to afford you healthcare bills. So you'll just have the bills forwarded to him. That would be free for you and Chris could finally feel good about himself and get some sleep at night knowing he helped someone out of the evil healthcare system instead of putting them in it. (Rihanna joke)

Oh, indeed, I can "run it"....

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Media Mafia and Casey Anthony


The land of law and justice.

Unless ofcourse you can make some media giants and political pundits some quick cash.

Then the rules change.

Guess what doesn't sell?
National debt. Unemployment. Foreign Government Intervention.

Anything that requires an iota of thought and reasoning, people (apparently) aren't interested in.
Maybe they don't need the added stress in their lives, maybe TV is their escape from reality, or maybe they are just willfully ignorant of actual problems and refuse to educate themselves on the things that matter...I'm going with the last one.

On the other hand, guess what sells?
Character assassination. Sensational conclusions. Mob mentality.

Sit back and ask yourself, was this the only (alleged) murder to have taken place in America in these past two weeks?

No? So why was this particular case thrown in the face of the American people on a continuous loop?

One word. Ratings.

The point of this case was justice for Caylee Anthony. The little girl who, murdered or not, is now dead.

The prosecution pulled out all of the stops. They accused the Casey of killing Caylee. They accused the grandfather, George, of molesting Casey.Then they outed George for having an affair during the search for Caylee. They then accused George of being mentally incompetent because he couldn't remember how he buried a family pet over 20 years ago. Which made me wonder who was on trial here?

So we proved George Anthony was a real douche bag.

Meanwhile, with the thousands of taxpayer dollars being spent, there was still no proof that Casey killed Caylee.

The facts:
This was a private matter of justice between the State of Florida, the Anthony family, and the Good Lord.
This was NOT an opportunity for the Mainstream Media to make some cash and boost ratings.

The media had Casey Anthony hung out in the public square before the trail even began.
With Nancy Grace screaming "guilty until proven innocent" rhetoric and every media outlet treating Casey like a convicted killer, public opinion and jury tainting had an opportunity to take a front seat in this ruling.

When it comes down to it we must introspect and see things from all angles in our search for justice.

Casey was found not guilty of murder.
(Can you imagine losing your child, and then having every media source accuse you of murdering it?)

We also must find the relevance of having cameras in the court room. Did this help the case for justice? Or did this impede legal proceedings and risk a false verdict.

In this country we seek justice.

After all, this is America, the land of Law and Justice.

Seek justice.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Why did I go to College?

As you sit looking at your student loan bills, you may ask yourself "Why did I go to college?"

Your three children are playing in the next room, and you lovingly watch them play, doing the "love math" in your head to figure out which one you'd be more willing to sell off in order to pay down your crippling college loans.
(Am I sick for saying it or are you sick for knowing what I'm talking about?)

In a recent study in Ohio, researchers found that in 2009, college students graduated and inherited an accumulated college debt of $25,000 or more, dollars per student.
That is a lot of money for a group of people that are not promised a job upon graduation.

There are a lot of degree holders flipping burgers and bagging groceries.

So I say to America, Why did you go to college?

Am I damning higher education? Not hardly.
Am I saying not everyone needs to go to college? Absolutely.

Are you going to be a nurse? Don't waste your time, scholarship money, and state funds going to a four year state school. Instead, go into a condensed 18 month program designed for your profession.

Liberal Arts degrees are for people who will be going into fields of study and sciences. Don't waste your precious time taking Theatre and Philosophy when you have no plans to utilize either.

 A lot of good people are sending themselves into a debt spiral because society is telling them to.
Society says that going to college is the right thing. Society says that no matter the job you do, you need to have a four year degree. Society says if you are going to be successful you are going to have some sort of degree.
Frankly, it's time we tell society to go shove it.

Society fails to realize, by sending you into a debt which you have no means to keep up with, it is ushering in the next financial crisis.

A myth floating around in the college world is that as soon as you graduate you are going to be given a job and spoon fed six figure salaries. FAIL.

No, you are going to have to hunt, beg, probably move, to find work in your field. And that is if you are lucky. You will probably end up like most American grads and take a part time job during your search in order to pay your bills and keep food on the table. Six months or so later when the hefty college bills start coming in you may have to bump up on hours at your part time job to afford your new bills, possibly go full time. All this happens, you lose the time you were using to search for a better job and you start getting angry and depressed. You did all that work and now you are back to cleaning floors at the Entertainment Arena or cleaning out the toilets at the golf course. Finally after a year or two of stress, failure, and crippling debt you give up and just keep your mediocre job. Maybe get promoted to manager..maybe. So much for that B.A. in Social Sciences or Business.

Now think back a few years to the housing crisis. Why did that happen? Because people who weren't ready for large house payments and the responsibility of having a home they couldn't afford in the first place, starting getting those homes. The banks knew they could rook them out of their money so they gave the poor saps a loan and BAM, two years later everyone is defaulting and fleeing the country. People lost everything they had (which was bought on credit anyway so, no big surprise there) and then had to forfeit their home. They simply didn't have the means to support their debt.

In short, people bought a home they didn't need and couldn't afford, they had no plan to pay for it and when the free rides and sweet deals ended and the collector came calling, they ended up like Marie Antoinette at the French Revolution. A belly full of cake and decapitated.

Sound familiar?

Millions of Americans (past, present, and future) have gone into college programs they didn't want to go into or need to, without the means to support themselves and the debt they would incur. Once the subsidized loans, the FAFSA money, and the mommy/daddy handouts were done and they had their degrees, the bills started coming in. The tidal wave of debt grew bigger and bigger, and when the banks and government (who are really the culprits for setting up public opinion and enslaving the masses to a perpetual debt) came calling there was no money or plan to pay the tab. Bankruptcy and marred financial records will now forever follow the student who ended up with nothing but a belly full of cheap beer and five dollar pizzas. Oh, and a piece of paper with a shiny sticker on it (a degree).

So the question you must ask yourself, why did I or why am I going to college? Is it right for me? Will it truly benefit me? Look deep inside yourself before you throw yourself on the burning pyre that is college debt.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Community Self Reliance: A love story.

News Flash my good people!

Oil is on the rise!

Besides the fact that oil is a "non-renewable" resource and the inevitable truth that prices will only trend up, the crisis and revolt in Libya, Bahrain, Iran, Egypt, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and the like will only cause prices to climb. Production will be slowed if not halted and exports will be reduced if not stopped all together.

With prices soaring, we will see a rise is gas prices, a rise in the cost of goods that use oil in production (pretty much anything that is plastic), and we will watch the shipping charges rise, sending the market price of goods even higher. 

All in all, we are about to pay a lot more for the same things.

The question becomes "How do we survive?"

Quite simple really. Community Self Reliance.

The times are coming when just a quick trip to Wal-mart will be expensive. The drive itself will cost more, and not to mention the goods. So what do we do?

Learn to support yourself!

Learn to lean on your community, your neighbors, your own personal work, and yourself.
Plant a garden, plan neighborhood weekend events, use services that are accessible in your town.
Do local shopping, eat at local restaurants.
Is there hardly any of that available? Good! Start it!
The belief that creating a job is more noble than taking a job is a pillar of Ameircan values.

This country and its people have lost the virtues and values that made us what we are.

Somewhere along the lines (around the 1930's, with FDR's "Great Expansion", to be exact) the citizenry lost its independence.
Instead of making a living, we started demanding a living.
We wanted an entity to come in and give us everything. An education, a home, a job, a paycheck, and the list goes on and on.
It was hard to keep your independent values when you were watching your family starve to death, but the thing was, we had already lost the drive.

When the government said "Hey, we will pay for everything, don't worry about it!" we were more than willing to pack up our liberty and toss it in a communal bonfire.
I may not be free, but at least I'll be fed.

Now, in 2011, (which, in all honesty, we were seeing the effects back in the 70s) we have figured out that we are broke. More than broke actually, we have been broke, and now, we are in debt. A debt so large that if everyone took what they made for an entire year and used it all on paying our debt off, we MIGHT pay it off..maybe.

Fact is, the party is over. People have been living off of a government dime that was borrowed and the collector is coming.

The day is coming where the government won't have the money to pay your bills. The day is coming where the liberal domestic spending will come to an end and if you have been riding on a public gravy train (See Wisconsin, Ohio, New Jersey, Indiana, Florida..etc.) you're going to have to get off at the next station.

Whichever politician or political party takes up this mantle of telling people who have made a career of sponging off entitlement programs, that they have to stop, that politician or party will be despised.

Nobody likes to hear that they are broke, nobody likes to stop getting free things, no one wants to stop receiving benefits, and "NO politician will take it away from me!"

I urge the American people to be steadfast in this stance.
Support your own liberty and reduce the size of your government. Reduce your dependency on government. Support Community Self Reliance.
Depend on people who depend on you.
Your family, your neighbors, your community.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Ron Paul Cured My Apathy

It started with some random Facebook status, "Who is Ron Paul?"

Who is Ron Paul? I thought to myself, who is this guy? He moves young people and cures "political apathy" which was a misunderstood concept to me at the time. He is laughed at by the Republican Party, who I thought could do no wrong, and criticized by the Democratic Party, whom I have never seen do right.

Lets set the stage of my political life at this time.
I was so busy defending President George W. Bush and GOP principles of the time, I lost myself. The President was socializing education even further with No Child Left Behind, he was taking part in interventionist policies, foreign and domestic. He was impeding the pursuit of liberty with the Patriot act. Finally, he bailed out failing companies and intruded in the private market, I found myself saying inside, "I don't believe in these things.."
I asked myself "Am I a Republican?"
I didn't agree with hardly anything we were doing. I studied and studied, I tried to look like a conservative and sound like a moderate at the same time. I was using the cop-outs like "If you're doing no wrong then you have nothing to hide" to defend the so-called Patriot Act or in defense of the bail outs I would say "..sometimes the government has to step in to make sure chaos doesn't ensue."
I was becoming something I whole-heartily disagreed with, a liberal.

And then, some random Facebook status said "Who is Ron Paul?"

It was January of 2008, I was on a hunting trip with my grandfather in Iowa, in the middle of the Iowa caucus. We drove down the snow drifted streets of Corydon, Iowa and I looked on at the campaign signs out in the open fields. There was Mike Huckabee, whom my family supported, and then Mitt Romney, then Hillary Clinton, a lot of John Edwards...I commented on every one of the signs trying to stir a response or a debate out of my grandpa, who was the rock of my love of politics. He just kept driving, turning up the doo-wop music to drown my political rambling.
Finally, I assume I pestered him enough and he looked straight ahead and said something that secretly I held in my heart for the rest of that primary election, and even on to the general election.
He said of the candidates,"All known names, all more of the same."
He was right.

There wasn't that big of a difference between any of the names that were flashing by on the side of the road. I sat there, hopeless for a while. I wanted to support someone that was going to change the world. Another John Kennedy, or a Ronald Reagan.
And then, a small car driven by a guy in his mid-twenties passed us. In the back seat he had a sign that said, "Google Ron Paul". I looked at grandpa, and he looked at me knowing we had been looking at the same thing.
"What about Ron Paul?" I asked.
Grandpa's response, "Never heard of him..."

I watched the debates, looking for my candidate to electrify the crowd (which never happened). I watched them all say the same things in more or less words.
All except for,
you guessed it,
Ron Paul.

I was young and looking for something to conform to. I had grown up and matured under "Dubya" and that was my brand of Republicanism, Neo-conservative, big spending, corporatist, interventionist bull crap. It truly was bull crap, but it was MY bull crap, I didn't believe in it, but it was all there was to believe in, I thought.
I watched Ron Paul attack my candidate, my President and my Party.
I was going through some type of political ideological war in my heart.
I tried to defend them against the onslaught I heard from Congressman Paul.
I was yelling at my television, yelling at Ron Paul and his supporters in the crowd. I grew to resent this so called "Ron Paul Revolution".
He had taken my love of Neo-conservatism, walked it out back, and put it down like Old Yeller.

And, then a bunch of random Facebook statuses said "Who is Ron Paul?"

The months went on, Fred Thompson fizzled out, Rudy dropped out, McCain was winning, Huckabee was still floating around.
I watched with a dropped jaw as the primaries settled down, and John McCain and Barack Obama became our contenders for the Presidency.
I was disappointed, but I said "Hey, it could be worse."
I told myself I would campaign for John McCain, learn the ins and outs of grass roots campaigning and learn how to, as Pappy O'Daniel would say, "court the electorate".

I worked hard. Went door to door, walked several parade routes, organized political rallies, made hundreds of phone calls, and put up yard signs everywhere. I was published in the newspaper, interviewed by television stations and cussed out more than any 17 year old kid should be, all of this I did to support a candidate that I didn't even believe in.

Alas, we lost.

Some random Facebook status read "Should've went with Ron Paul"

That December, I went to the mall with my friend Jason, who had been a Bob Barr supporter. On the way there we got into a heated debate in his car about politics and government and he had my heart beating and my head turning. I was now in the political mood as we entered the Ashland Town Center Mall, and I insisted we head to Walden Books.
As we walked in I immediately headed for the history section and Jason headed toward the literature. We goofed around and poked fun at some of the book titles, we thumbed through the pages of a couple of interesting ones, and we stood and scoffed at the fact that there were more copies of "Twilight" than the works of Walt Whitman.
After we had our fill of the books, we began to walk out, when I noticed on the side of the politics shelf, a book called "The Revolution: A Manifesto"
by none other than Ron Paul.

Interested, I picked up the book.

I bought it.

I read it.

And MY Facebook status read "Google Ron Paul."

I read in depth, Rep. Paul's story and his ongoing fight for freedom and liberty. I found that his beliefs matched mine. He explained his reasoning on his highly controversial stances.
He explained the differences of isolationism and non-interventionism. He talked about the necessity for the United States to keep its nose out of other countries affairs and to respect their sovereignty. He showed that, by our intervening, we had created anti-American sentiment and global hatred of, not our liberty but, our arrogance.

He showed the undermining plots of unelected bureaucrats that are robbing us of our freedom and devaluing our monetary system.
He taught me the importance of states rights and the significance of my rights.
He pointed out the flaws of the current Republican stances and showed me the roots of my party.
He looked me in the eye and told me that I was involved in the worst practice a person like me could be mixed up in, Ideological Apathy.
I suppressed my true beliefs to conform with the beliefs of a particular sect of a political party. What was worse than doing that, was the fact that I knew I was doing it, and in knowing, said nothing.
I didn't look for a better way, a different voice, a new party or way of thinking.
I made myself change.
I gave up my liberty, voluntarily.

Ron Paul showed me I didn't have to agree with everyone.
He showed me that I could stand up, sometimes alone, and be heard.
He told me, if the cause is just and the message is truth, who is going to silence me?

Ron Paul showed me that I am free.

So I ask you.

"Who is Ron Paul?"

And I believe some Facebook status will say "I believe in Ron Paul."